
Plugins are modifications done to activities to support new FEPs, compatibility with other software, etc.

Plugin Step Hook Priority
Nokogiri :activity :post_init 100
Absolute assets :activity :post_init 35
Assets as attachments :activity :post_init 34
Link iframes :activity :post_init 31
FEP fffd :actor and :activity :post_init :low (10)
FEP fffd: license :activity :post_init 9
FEP 1042 :actor and :activity :pre_render 8


Add jekyll-activity-pub-nokogiri to your plugins list if you want to write plugins that modify the contents.

This is a high priority plugin that runs right after each Activity is instantiated with the convert content from a Jekyll document. A Nokogiri HTML5 fragment is available to any other hook that comes after it.

Absolute assets

Enable jekyll-activity-pub-absolute-assets if your content includes assets (images, videos, audios) with absolute or relative paths, so they’re available remotely.

Note Mastodon and other software may remove them via sanitization.

This plugin enables the Nokogiri plugin as a dependency.

Assets as attachments

Enable jekyll-activity-pub-assets-as-attachments to copy embedded assets as attachments of the activity, so instances like Mastodon can still show them.

Note the plugin doesn’t remove duplicates and Mastodon only supports the first four attachments.

This plugin enables the Absolute Assets plugin as a dependency.

Enable jekyll-activity-pub-link-iframes if your content embeds remote sites like videos from Peertube. The plugin will replace any <iframe> element via a link.

This plugin enables the Nokogiri plugin as a dependency.

FEP fffd

Enable jekyll-activity-pub-fep-fffd-distributed-press to generate alternate URLs for actor and activities.

FEP fffd: Licenses

If you have a page or a post with layout “license” and enable jekyll-activity-pub-fep-fffd-license, every activity will link to its license.

FEP 1042: Peer to Peer Fediverse Activities

Enabling jekyll-activity-pub-fep-1042 (or jekyll-activity-pub-fep-fffd-distributed-press for backwards compatibility) will add Distributed Press addresses as alternate URLs for each activity and actor.

It runs on pre_render so every activity associated with the Actor is initialized (specially Outbox and Following collections).